Alright, 2020, so I have to say that this blog, at least in its current iteration dates back ten years now, that’s right, ten. I had kept a blog here before then, however that go lost when a server hard drive failed. And while since then this blog and site have been hosted on at least two other servers and one move, I’m actually pleased I have been doing this blog thing for ten years now. Let’s just call it ten because it’s my blog and I can do as I please. But of course, I couldn’t have gotten to this point without you, myRead More →

When it comes to the specialised films out there, I’ll admit my knowledge is pretty grey. But there is also a particular challenge to making such a film work in general use photography. And having worked with various Eastman films from 5363, 2366, and 2238 I felt confident that I could make this Fuji film stock work. So what exactly is Fuji Recording Film Eterna-RDS Type 4791? According to Fuji’s website, Eterna-RDS 4791 is a black and white film intended for making archival black and white separations from colour digital masters for a digital separation workflow using a film recorder. The film is Fuji’s versionRead More →