Five for the Road

One of the more interesting aspects of working with old Polaroid stock is that sometimes you get duds. While this past Saturday I wanted to get some cameras shot for the next three camera review blogs so that I can have them up before heading to Europe in three weeks, I also decided to take the rest of my 1997 expired Polaroid Type 55 4×5 stock along to shoot while on the road. Despite having a lot left, the stock being nearly twenty years out of date, there were a lot of duds, not enough chemistry spread, or none at all. But when all was said and done the box was used up and I got five good shots out of it! Five for the Road.

Listowel Road Farmhouse
Just outside of St. Jacobs, Ontario along the Listowel Road. A typical scene in this part of the province an old 19th century era stone farm house.
Graflex Crown Graphic – Schneider-Krueznack Symmar-S 1:5.6/210 – Polaroid Type 55 @ ASA-50
A Barn of Wood and Metal
The wood and metal barn, it’s probably all wood under the metal cladding, this farm was buzzing with activity from folks working in the fields and livestock running around outside.
Graflex Crown Graphic – Schneider-Krueznack Symmar-S 1:5.6/210 – Polaroid Type 55 @ ASA-50
The Small Farmhouse
One of my favourites from the day, this small stone farm house had no signs of life around it, the fields were empty, the drive empty. Located on a quiet stretch of Highway 23 just south of Mitchell, Ontario.
Graflex Crown Graphic – Schneider-Krueznack Xenar 1:4,7/135 – Polaroid Type 55 @ ASA-50
The Old Tractor
The happy accident! You can easily see the missing parts from the chemical spread here but the subject was placed just right to catch it all!
Graflex Crown Graphic – Schneider-Krueznack Symmar-S 1:5.6/210 – Polaroid Type 55 @ ASA-50
The Strathroy Brewing Company
These formerly abandoned silos in Strathroy, Ontario now serve as home to the Strathroy Brewing Co, one of the new craft brewery’s in Ontario. They produce six War of 1812 themed beers!
Graflex Crown Graphic – Schneider-Krueznack Angulon 1:6,8/90 – Polaroid Type 55 @ ASA-50

Now this isn’t the last of my Type 55, I still have one more box of 2003 expired stuff which will probably yield a lot more good shots than this box. Of course if you want to see a new version of this film, head on over to New55 and give a read, and maybe throw in your support to see this new instant film come to life!

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