It’s been a minute since I ran a Toronto Film Shooters Meetup, let alone getting one outside the city. My good friends Bill and John have been killing it with the meetups, especially those inside Toronto. I love getting the group out beyond the GTA. While Hamilton is close, the TFS group has representation across North America. I also love exploring Hamilton with its stunning heritage architecture, so I organised a walk through Jamesville and into the historic downtown core at the start of June. For the walk, I went with a couple of cameras; first up is my beautiful Minolta Dynax 600si with theRead More →

It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since I started the Toronto Film Shooters Meetup! A small social group to help bring together film photographers in the Greater Toronto Area. There have been some rough patches, an event where no one showed up, another in the bitter cold, and a few one-off events. But it has thrived and survived a global pandemic. So to celebrate this milestone, I got back in the saddle and planned the first of two 10th-anniversary events. Which, despite the name, took place in Guelph, Ontario, at the beginning of this month. Attending photo walks was nothingRead More →