
Welcome to the master index page for the Classic Camera Revival Podcast. All episodes are listed here in broadcast order, sorted out by season, and linked to their episode notes page.

Classic Camera Revival - Recording Session 2021
The CCR Core Team as of 2022 (L-R): John Meadows, James Lee, Alex Luyckx, Jess Hobbs, and Bill Smith

Season 1
Ep.01 – The Workhorses
Ep.02 – Box Camera Madness
Ep.03 – Rangefinders
Ep.04 – APS Show
Ep.05 – Communist Camera Revival
Ep.06 – The DIY Show
Ep.07 – Travelling Light
Ep.08 – Welcome to Mount Olympus
Ep.09 – Going Big, Not Going Home
Ep.10 – Route 66
Ep.11 – Mystery Camera Challenge
Ep.12 – Best Christmas Present Ever

Season 2
Bonus – Bonus Episode – SP-445
Ep.13 – Date Your Cameras, Marry Your Lenses
Bonus – Donna’s 8×10
Ep.14 – We See the Light
Ep.15 – Mechanical Madness
Bonus – Mike Robinson, Daguerreotype Master
Ep.16 – Let’s All Shoot One Camera
Bonus – David Nardi Pt. 2
Ep.17 – Some Like it Wet (Plate)
Bonus – Agfa, Ansco, GAF, and the Third Reich
Ep.18 – Size Doesn’t Matter
Bonus – Kodachrome: Resurrection
Ep.19 – The Great Yellow Father
Ep.20 – Our Top 20
Ep.21 – The Great Nikon Show
Ep.22 – Cream of the Crap
Ep.23 – The Good, The Blad, and the Ugly
Ep.24 – Something New

Season 3
Ep.25 – The Minolta Warriors
Ep.26 – Know When to Fold ‘Em
Ep.27 – Return of the Samurai
Ep.28 – The K-Team
Ep.29 – Clan O’Canon
Ep.30 – Twin Lens Love
Ep.31 – Mystery Camera Challenge II
Ep.32 – Sloopy Seconds
Ep.33 – That Awkward Moment
Ep.34 – Authorised for Field Use
Ep.35 – Seeing Red
Ep.36 – Last But Not Least

Season 4
Ep.37 – Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Ep.38 – Consumer Grade
Ep.39 – Tales from the Digital Age
Ep.40 – Screw Mounts & Screw-Ups
Ep.41 – Pick Your Poison
Ep.42 – Past Due
Ep.43 – As Seen on TV
Ep.44 – Noisy And Annoying
Ep.45 – Second Time Around
Ep.46 – Do You See What I See
Ep.47 – Millennium
Ep.48 – Disco Fever

Season 5
Bonus – Season 5 Introduction
Ep.49 – The Shoe String
Bonus – E is for Emulsive
Ep.50 – Nifty Fifty
Ep.51 – The Second F
Ep.52 – Large Format Strikes Back
Ep.53 – The Spotmatic
Ep.54 – On the Scale (Scale Focus)
Ep.55 – Dancing on a Pinhead
Ep.56 – Zooming Right Along
Ep.57 – Don’t Drink the Rodinal Pt. 1
Ep.58 – Don’t Drink the Rodinal Pt. 2
Ep.59 – To the Stars
Ep.60 – The Gold Standard
Ep.61 – Large Format 101
Ep.62 – Rolleing Along
Ep.63 – Fast, Faster, and Fastest
Ep.64 – Don’t Drink the Rodinal Pt. 3
Ep.65 – In An Instant
Ep.66 – Grandfather F
Ep.67 – K-Cars
Ep.68 – Going Pro
Ep.69 – V for Victory
Ep.70 – Put out the Red Light

Season 6
Ep.71 – The OM Factor
Ep.72 – The Panchromatic Meat Locker
Ep.73 – Big Glass
Ep.74 – Hidden Gems
Ep.75 – The Last Crusade
Ep.76 – The DIY Show II
Ep.77 – Sgt. Eastman and the Lonely Camera Band
Ep.78 – Rest in Pieces
Ep.79 – The Plate
Ep.80 – Pardon Me do you have a Smoke?
Ep.81 – Living in Stereo
Ep.82 – Compact Nation
Ep. 83 – Living in a Box
Ep. 84 – A Sit Down with Aly
Ep. 85 – The Red Dot Pt. I
Ep. 86 – The Red Dot Pt. II
Ep. 87 – Mystery Camera Challenge III
Ep. 88 – Go Long!
Ep. 89 – The M-Factor
Ep. 90 – The Coating Line
Ep. 91 – October Revolution
Ep. 92 – Fine Young Cannibals
Ep. 93 – The Eckman Factor
Ep. 94 – Leftovers

Season 7
Ep. 95 – No Such Thing as Too Many Cameras
Ep. 96 – Experiments in the Dark
Ep. 97 – In the Loupe: Anil Mistry
Ep. 98 – In the Loupe: Brandy B
Ep. 99 – In the Loupe: Alexandria Jahr
Ep. 100 – Behind by a Century
Ep. 101 – In the Loupe: Becca Peterson
Ep. 102 – Maxxum Power
Ep. 103 – In the Loupe: Merlin
Ep. 104 – In the Loupe: Justin R.
Ep. 105 – Tripping the Crap Fantastic
Ep. 106 – In the Loupe: Gary Clennan
Ep. 107 – In the Loupe: Bill Manning
Ep. 108 – The Other F: The Canon F-1 Series
Ep. 109 – Let the Good Times Roll
Ep. 110 – Voices of Women
Ep. 111 – In the Loupe: John Roberts
Ep. 112 – Hot Adox Summer
Ep. 113 – In the Loupe: Jess Hobbs
Ep. 114 – Separation Anxiety
Ep. 115 – Mystery Camera Challenge IV
Ep. 116 – The Feels When
Ep. 117 – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Ep. 118 – Workhorses Take Two

Season 8
Ep. 119 – Moving Pictures
Ep. 120 – Clone Wars
Ep. 121 – The Digital Age
Ep. 122 – Photography: An Introduction
Ep. 123 – The Magician’s Apprentice
Ep. 124 – Pour Another Round (and another, another, another, another….)
Ep. 125 – Environmentally Speaking
Ep. 126 – Twenty-Four FPS
Ep. 127 – The 120mm Files
Ep. 128 – In the Loupe: Lina Besanova
Ep. 129 – The F goes Electric
Ep. 130 – Voices of Women II
Ep. 131 – A Family Affair
Ep. 132 – Ring ‘Round The Commonwealth
Ep. 133 – Summer Lovin’ on Film
Ep. 134 – Recent Developments
Ep. 135 – Mystery Camera Challenge V
Ep. 136 – Get Tanked!
Ep. 137 – Cursed Cameras
Ep. 138 – Seventies Electric
Ep. 139 – Twenty-Four FPS Pt. II
Ep. 140 – Worth the Effort
Ep. 141 – The Dangerfield Zone
Ep. 142 – The Year that Was: 2022

Season 9
Ep. 143 – Resolution:2023
Ep. 144 – GAS-X
Ep. 145 – In The Loupe: Amy Jasek
Ep. 146 – In The Loupe: James Lane
Ep. 147 – An Update from the Lab
Ep. 148 – What were they Thinking?
Ep. 149 – Photographic Journies
Ep. 150 – In the Loupe: Molly Kate
Ep. 151 – In the Loupe: Sarah Stellino
Ep. 152 – Accessorise This!
Ep. 153 – Don’t Drink the Rodinal Pt. 4
Ep. 154 – In the Loupe: I Dream of Cameras
Ep. 155 – In the Loupe: Kelsey Smith
Ep. 156 – Live from the Toronto Film Shooters 10th Anniversary
Ep. 157 – The Last of the Fs
Ep. 158 – Any Given Situation
Ep. 159 – The Little F’s Pt. 1
Ep. 160 – The Little F’s Pt. 2
Ep. 161 – Unlucky
Ep. 162 – In the Loupe: Suzanne Pedersen
Ep. 163 – The Other Nikons
Ep. 165 – Frugal Film Project – 2023 Roundtable
Ep. 166 – Resolved: 2023

Season 10
Ep. 167 – Would You Like to Play a Game?
Ep. 168 – Date Your Cameras, Marry Your Lenses II
Ep. 169 – Baby It’s Cold Outside II
Ep. 170 – Do You Want to Buy a Nikon?
Ep. 171 – In the Loupe: Tawnya Mahoney
Ep. 172 – Travelling Light II
Ep. 173 – Night of the Living Film
Ep. 174 – Still Zooming Along
Ep. 175 – Of Distant Memory
Ep. 176 – Box Camera Madness II
Ep. 177 – The Leitz Waltz
Ep. 178 – Ilford Rhapsody
Ep. 179 – Seeing Beyond
Ep. 180 – In The Loupe: Chris Erikson
Ep. 181 –
Ep. 182 –


  1. Hi folks!

    As a regular listener to your podcast, I’m thinking you folks can provide some guidance. I’m in Toronto and am about to aquire a Rolleiflex and possibly a Leica M4. Both cameras have issues, and need at least a CLA if not some actual repairs. Is there anyplace nearish to Toronto that you folks use and can recommend? So far, in Canada I’ve found Paramount Camera Repair (Saskatoon) and Factory Cameras in Vancouver, both of which look reasonably legit. I’d also stumbled across a place in Quebec, but I can’t remember the name; besides, the web site was ultra-chaotic.



    1. Author

      Thank you for listening! The place in Quebec, Service Camera Pro is a good spot, a bit of a mess online, but super professional in person. There’s also LensMedic YYC. Hope that helps.

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