In 2012 at the start of the 200th Anniversary of the Anglo-American War of 1812, I set out on my first major history project to record the sites, battles, and people that made up the War of 1812. Within the wider world, the war was little more than a historical footnote to the greater Napoleonic conflict it would have major repercussions here on the American continent.

To celebrate the 210th Anniversary of the end of the Anglo-American War of 1812, I went back to my original posts, notes, and of course the final book to recompile the entire project from end to end and present the entirety of the conflict in a twelve post series through all of 2025. While this isn’t as in-depth as my original project it is done in order and gives a greater big picture of the major events that shaped the war from start to the effects it had on the rest of the 19th Century and even into the 20th. As a sidenote, the titles of the posts are inspired by Pierre Burton, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Babylon 5
I – In the Beginning
II – First Strike
III – Check & Mate
IV – Flames Across the Border
V – And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place
VI – Severed Dreams
VII – Vendetta
VIII – By Any Means Necessary
IX – The Empire Strikes Back
X – Let That Be your Last Battlefield
XI – Shadow Dancing
XII – Status Quo, Antebellum
Burlington Heights
Fort York
Fort Erie
Fort Wellington
Fort George
Queenston Heights
Fort Malden
Fort Niagara
USS Consitution
Fort Mississauga
Bakus Mills
Port Dover
Fort Meigs
Fort Mackinac
Fort St. Joseph
Fort Ontario
Fort Detroit
Fort Crawford
The Forts of Maine
Fort George (Halifax Citidal)
Fort McHenry
Battles and Events
The Acaster Assizes
The Battle of York
Battle of Stoney Creek
Action at Butler’s Farm
Battle of Chippawa
Battle of Lundy’s Lane
Seige of Fort Meigs (1813)
Battle of Queenston Heights
Capture of Fort Niagara
Burning of Niagara
Seige of Fort Erie
Battle of Fort George
Raid on Charlotte
Battle of Crystler’s Farm
Battle of Fort Dearborn
Battle of Fort Stephenson
Battle of Frenchtown
Battle of Malcolm’s Mill
Seige of Fort Detroit
The Invasion of Upper Canada (1812)
Battle of Longwoods
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle of the Thames
Battle of Sacketts Harbor (1813)
Battle of Beaverdams
Battle of Plattsburg
Battle of Chateauguay
Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of Lake Huron
Battle of Mackinac Island
Capture of Mackinac Island
Battle of Mississinawa
Actions on Lake Ontario
Raid on Ogdensburg
Raid on Oswego
Battle of Cooks Mill
Seige of Prairie du Chien
Raid on Gananoque
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans
The Sherbooke Expedition
The Capture of the Chesapeake
The March of the 104th
Battle of Bladensburg
The Burning of Washington DC
The Battle of Baltimore
General Sir Isaac Brock
Laura Secord
James FitzGibbon
Oliver Hazard Perry
William Henry Harrison
Henry Proctor
Miller Worsley
Charles de Salaberry
William Hull
Sir Robert McDouall
Benjamin Forsyth
George Prevost
Joseph Willcocks
Gordon Drummond
Sir John C. Sherbrooke
James Lawrence
Sir Philip B.V. Broke
William McKay
Robert Dickson
George Armistead
Robert Ross
William H. Winder
Sir Robert Barrie
Charles Morris
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