Hello, if you’ve followed this blog back to the beginning. Congratulations, you found it. Of course, this is simply the continuation of an older WordPress Blog, a Blogger, and even a Live Journal, all of which I have maintained. But this current iteration of the blog starts here. This blog will find projects, lots of history, ramblings, cameras, films, developers, lenses, and even a podcast. Welcome to the madness.Read More →

With the end of the year upon us, I figured it would be good to start announcing what’s up and coming for me in 2013. Project:1812 continues to move on, with most of the Niagara Region covered this year, I’m switching focus through the winter of 2013 to documenting the campaigns in the western areas of Toronto, Forts Malden, Mackinaw, St. Joseph, and the battles surrounding them, also Port Dover, and Backus Mills. Hopefully in the summer and fall I’ll be able to get out covering some of the Eastern battle sites and fortifications along the St. Lawrence. So this project continues. But the bigRead More →

Negotiations to bring a higher-education campus to the small town of Germantown began in 1885, initially to be a satellite campus of the Cincinnati Wesleyan College. However, that did not end up being the case, and the town council found themselves in the office of Orvon Graff Brown, who at the time was the president of the Ohio Conservatory of Music and the School of Oratory. Brown agreed to build a branch of his College in Germantown. But by 1886, Brown was set on establishing a whole new college in the town, and by 1888 the Twin Valley College was established by charter and byRead More →

Now, fellow Canadians, British, and general folks, please don’t harp on me for mis-spelling ‘colour’ in the title because it’s the proper brand name for the latest batch of film out of the fantastic folks at the Impossible Project. ColorProtection is the latest emulsion in their quest to reinvent instant integral film. Well, I’m going to say they have reinvented it; now it’s a matter of improving what they have. But what they have right now is pretty damned good. So what makes this film the best yet out of the factory? Easy, anyone who has used this film from the beginning can attest thatRead More →

I was bitten by the toy camera bug a while back after getting a Holga, which has served me well, but recently on the Film Photography Podcast they were pushing this odd “new” camera that Michael Raso had discovered on “The Bay” named The Debonair, it looked like a cross between a Diana and a Holga. He had managed to stumble upon a lot of 2000 of these cameras sitting in a warehouse in Rochester, New York. I didn’t need another toy camera, but after seeing some of the shots out of the camera I needed to get one, and at twenty bucks, it wasn’tRead More →

The British Capture of Fort Niagara is one of many controversial engagements of the Anglo-American War of 1812 and certainly marked a shift in the tactics of both the British and Americans in the final year of the war. General Gordon Drummond’s orders came on the heels of the destruction of the town of Niagara, today Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, by the Americans and a group of traitorous Canadians. While the exact details of the destruction were blown out of proportion to justify the brutality of the capture better, it none the less is a dark stain on the British record of the war. Fort Niagara asRead More →

With a commanding view of both Lake Ontario and the Niagara River, the old colonial fort has a long and complicated history connecting it to three different nations that formed the basis of the modern countries that exist today. Not to mention it serves as the oldest collection of stone buildings west of Montreal and the oldest fortification I have had the honour of visiting and documenting. I’m of course talking about Fort Niagara. The French Castle is the oldest and central structure of Fort Niagara and dates back to 1729. Pacemaker Crown Graphic – Schneider-Kreuznack Angulon 1:6,8/90 – Kodak Tri-X Pan @ ASA-320 KodakRead More →

One of the best-kept secrets of Niagara-On-The-Lake is the fact that the town itself has risen from the literal ashes to the quiet tourist town that it is today. If you take a close look at many of the historic buildings most don’t date any further back than 1813, and there’s a reason for that, considering how old the community is. Founded originally in 1781 as Butlersburg, as many of the original settlers were members of the Loyalist Irregular unit known as Butler’s Rangers, would take on the name West Niagara. When Upper Canada was officially established, John Graves Simcoe renamed the town again toRead More →

I was bit by the instant photography bug back when Polaroid stopped making film and when Impossible re-invented it (Film for Polaroid Cameras that is). And over the course of the years they have stuggled long and hard, and have taken a great deal of my money (I say that not in a bad way) to build up something that can only be described as pure magic in eight frames. Back at the end of October I had a chance to revisit New York City and take a trip to the Impossible Project Store/Gallery on Broadway to pick up and shoot some of their newRead More →

One Hundred years earlier, a US Ship on the Canadian Shoreline was not a good thing, but in 1913, the crew of the US Coast Guard Light Vessel 82 (LV-82) was the only thing keeping sailors on Lake Erie and their demise. In November of 1913, nature unleashed her fury. A storm known as the White Hurricane swept through the great lakes region, causing a level of destruction on the lakes not seen in recent memory, yet the crew of LV-82 stayed. Their station, Point Abino, was known for its shallow shoals and dangerous waters. Standing at their station facing 80 miles per hour windsRead More →