Hello, if you’ve followed this blog back to the beginning. Congratulations, you found it. Of course, this is simply the continuation of an older WordPress Blog, a Blogger, and even a Live Journal, all of which I have maintained. But this current iteration of the blog starts here. This blog will find projects, lots of history, ramblings, cameras, films, developers, lenses, and even a podcast. Welcome to the madness.Read More →

With the end of the year upon us, I figured it would be good to start announcing what’s up and coming for me in 2013. Project:1812 continues to move on, with most of the Niagara Region covered this year, I’m switching focus through the winter of 2013 to documenting the campaigns in the western areas of Toronto, Forts Malden, Mackinaw, St. Joseph, and the battles surrounding them, also Port Dover, and Backus Mills. Hopefully in the summer and fall I’ll be able to get out covering some of the Eastern battle sites and fortifications along the St. Lawrence. So this project continues. But the bigRead More →