If there is a first family for Oakville, that family is the Chisholms. You cannot mention the founding of Oakville without having the Chisholms in the same breath. And the family is directly tied to the history of Oakville from its founding into the middle of the 20th Century. Born to a loyalist family in Nova Scotia, William and his family moved to the township of Nelson in 1793, near the modern city of Burlington. As the son of a land owner, William received an Ensign commission in the 2nd Battalion, York Militia. During the Anglo-American War of 1812, he saw combat at the CaptureRead More →

I caught a glimpse of a modern production of this developer from the folks at Silvergrain Classics and immediately started to hunt down the developer. Most sources pointed to having to order from a European supplier and waiting a month for it to arrive when I ran across the developer at a local source, Downtown Camera. Well, I jumped at the chance. I first learned about Neofin Blau in my review of Adox FX-39 II, which is based upon Neofin Rouge; both developers are based on the works of noted German photographer Willi Beutler. Blau, unlike Rouge, is designed for films rated at ASA-200 orRead More →

The whole team is on board for this one! Together we have enough kit to open up a small camera shop or a museum at least, but one of the hardest things many photographers face is when faced with all that gear; what do you bring along? Well, it does all depend on the situation at hand. So in today’s episode, join Bill, James, Jess, Chris, and Alex as they hash out what they would bring into some familiar, strange and downright weird photographic situations. The team discusses their choices for the following conditions: cameras to lenses and film to developers. Photo Walks Landscape CampingRead More →

If there were another urban centre in Trafalgar township that could rival Oakville and remain a fiercely independent community today, it would be Bronte. Located at the mouth of Twelve Mile Creek and a vibrant community tied to Lake Ontario, today, it is more an upscale suburb of Oakville but retains much of its character. The land where Bronte grew up had the largest number of Indigenous Settlements dating back to the earliest signs of human settlement in the region. In 1805, most of the land was ceded to the Crown under Treaty 14. At the same time, the land around the creek mouth continuedRead More →

Say what you will about kit lenses; some are good, some are bad, and some are fine. This lens is among those ‘fine’ lenses, they do the job, but there’s nothing special about the Canon 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 II, but it does a good job and does what it says on the tin. And while I did not go into this with a good view of the lens expecting troubles at open apertures or softness at the 80mm focal length. But the lens had none of these common elements I’ve found on other kit lenses, which is certainly surprising. Lens Specifications Make: Canon Model: Zoom LensRead More →

Light or Dark, Chocolate is one of my favourite treats, especially in ice cream form. But when it comes to film, it becomes a classic type 100 film that I loved to work with for the limited time I had access to well-stored packed. I first got a taste for this lovely film during the earliest days of the Impossible Project when the folks got their hands on an entire warehouse of new-old-stock of integral and packed films and sold them to help raise capital for the recreation of integral films. And I went with a whole pile of different options, colour, black & white,Read More →

The small village of Sixteen is another of the lost villages and was among the first to be lost from Trafalgar Township. Located deep in the Sixteen Mile Creek valley, the village was hard to access because of the dangerous road into the valley. Of the many villages that made up Trafalgar Township, Sixteen Hollow was among the last ones to be established. In 1827, George Chalmer established a grist mill and a sawmill in the creek valley where Dundas Road crossed the creek; he also built a new bridge over the creek to help those travelling the road. Despite the treacherous climb into theRead More →

When it comes to film from FilmWashi, they can get their hands on some pretty unique stocks. And I’ve had some good luck with most of their films; others have struggled a bit. Thankfully I’ve been working through my wish list in their catalogue and have gotten my hands on most of them. But one has been out of stock until recently, and that’s FilmWashi A. Described as a motion picture leader film, the film is spliced onto the front of a motion picture prints to help lead the film through the projector. But it can be used for high-contrast uses, like titles or thatRead More →

While we have given cameras like the F, F2, and F3 their own separate episodes, the final three “Big F’s” in Nikon’s lineup were more evolutions of each other and were a radical departure from the previous manual cameras of the group. So on today’s episode, we dig into the F4, F5, and the F6 to wrap this series up (finally). Like the original F, the F4 did not come out of a vacuum but rather from a combination of other cameras that acted as proof of concepts. The first is the Nikon FG which gave Nikon their first complete AE SLR, then the NikonRead More →

Postville is among the lost villages of the Trafalgar Township, with only a few things left around that remind people that a small but thriving village once stood at the modern intersection of Trafalgar Road and Dundas Street. And Postville is the village I did not intend to write about, thinking this small farmhouse was part of Munn’s Corner; thank goodness for plaques. The Post family began purchasing properties around the intersection of 7th Side Road (Trafalgar) and Dundas Road between 1812 and 1816. Jordan, Ephriam, and Abigal. Abigal’s properties were inherited by her son Jordan Jr upon her death. The small community took theRead More →